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Kick Off

Kickoff: The Difference Between "Kickoff," "Kick-Off," and "Kick Off"


In the world of football, the term "kickoff" is used to refer to the play that starts the game. However, there are actually three different ways to spell the term: "kickoff," "kick-off," and "kick off." So, what's the difference between these three spellings? And which one is correct?


The spelling "kickoff" is the most common way to write the term. It is used in both American and British English, and it is the spelling that is used by the NFL, NCAA, and other major football organizations.


The spelling "kick-off" is also used, but it is less common than "kickoff." This spelling is more common in British English than in American English, and it is often used in a more formal context.

Kick Off

The spelling "kick off" is the least common way to write the term. It is rarely used in either American or British English, and it is not considered to be a standard spelling.

Which Spelling Is Correct?

So, which spelling of "kickoff" is correct? The answer is that all three spellings are correct, but the most common spelling is "kickoff." If you are writing for a general audience, it is best to use the spelling "kickoff." However, if you are writing for a more formal audience, you may want to use the spelling "kick-off."
